My history

You’ve got a gift – meditation 🎁

Nine years ago, I started my journey back to my true self. After my mother died, a lot of questions came up in my head: about life and death, what am I doing in this world and how can I find happiness, how to learn to truly live and be honest with myself, who am I and what I bring to this world, why am I here?

All these questions pushed me to start digging deep and find my true path. Countless years of personal and family therapy. Hundreds of pages read and written. Master’s degree in Architecture and ten years of work experience. The years that helped me see the beauty not only in nature, but also in creations that humans can make.

I am an artist of my inner world, and I love to reflect it in my paintings. I already lost count of retreats, training, seminars, and courses numbers that I took in the United States of America and Europe. Only in 2020, I had more than ten trips

dedicated to inner development and gaining deep knowledge. I have been doing yoga practice for six years, and this is my third year in Tantra.

Particles of love from many mentors, teachers who guided me, beat in my heart. Many years of meditation, tantra, taoist and transformational practices, as well as time spent with my spiritual mentor and guru.

I create workshops, seminars, Feminine circles, individual and group retreats. I have three beautiful children and a wonderful husband, with whom I have been married for over ten years.

I lead women into the depths of their souls, into sensitivity, into deceleration, enjoying every moment of their lives. I help see the beauty in their external and internal worlds, provide personal consultations and work as a Tantra Spiritual Life Coach. I completed coaching courses and received two international certificates. Now I am a certified Professional Personal Coach ICU and certified Tantra yoga teacher.