You’ve got a gift – meditation 🎁


We invite you to a 5 days journey to experience the deepest parts of your inner world, to heal and soothe your body and soul. This retreat will help you to return to the origins of the nature, discover the immense female power in yourself. It is an opportunity for you to understand yourself deeper, connect with your body, learn how to unite in harmony with the loved ones and the rest of the world.

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FEMININE CIRCLE (off – & online)

Feminine circle is a space of trust, relaxation, and understanding. This atmosphere leads you to a deep acceptance of ourselves and others, the realization that we are all different and at the same time very similar. Women come to feel closeness to each other, to open their hearts.

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“DREAM” CEREMONY (off – & online)

A person creates a dream from his Highest condition, there are no restrictions and everything is possible!

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HAPE CEREMONY (off – & online)

Immersion inside yourself through self-connection ceremony and breathing practices. Finding your authenticity, understanding who I am and why I am here. Connection with your Soul, the power of the earth, your Family, the third eye, and the Universe.

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It is considered to be a Yoga practice and is associated with the Fire element.

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Oksana learned de-armouring in the Netherlands, her teacher is one of the de-armouring method’s founder. “Armour“ in this word stands for “trauma”, something bad that happened to a person in the past. The task is to break the “armour”, de-armour, free oneself from this past traumatic experience.

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We invite you to a 5 days journey to experience the deepest parts of your inner world, to heal and soothe your body and soul. This retreat will help you to return to the origins of the nature, discover the immense female power in yourself. It is an opportunity for you to understand yourself deeper, connect with your body, learn how to unite in harmony with the loved ones and the rest of the world.

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Personal coaching, Creating a space of trust , Working with the body, emotions, and new statements for life, Working out the request through deep spiritual practices, Individual accompaniment while going out into the world, Selection of author’s practices for individual use, Assistance in the altar preparation and planning of your future life

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